论文: [1]Guo M. Does Industrial Intelligence Promote Sustainable Employment?[J]. Sustainability, 2024, 16(10):3896. [2]Wang XD, Jin X, Guo M. Inherit or Flow? Analysis On the Decomposition and Transmission Mechanism of Intergenerational Income Mobility in China[J]. Transformation In Business & Economics, 2021,20(1):309-329. [3]Guo T, Guo M, Zhang Y, et al. The Effect of Aspiration on the Evolution of Cooperation in Spatial Multigame[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 2019,525:27-32. 参与项目: [1]国家自然科学基金项目:新就业形态与劳动力市场转型——典型事实与作用机制(71973022)2020.08-2024.03,已结项。 [2]国家社会科学基金项目:收入差距代际传递机制变动趋势研究(14BJL040)2014.06-2018.06,已结项。 |